Kitty mom.
Feline Medicine, since i´m about to become a Vet, and i´ve shared my life with lots of cats and kittens, knowing amazing stories, and having the chance to touch their lifes, trying to make them better.
Fantasma: My oldest cat, i raised him since he was 5 or 6 days old.
Midi: He came into our lives because Osa, my dog foud him almost dead and took him home (yes, she did it by herself), when i was weeks to enter to Vet School.
Kalija: She´s a beautiful queen who found my in my early vet school years
Aron: A cute and huge black cat who found us (me and my dogs) and approached nearly begging us to take him home when he was tiny.
Michi michi: She found me near home this year 2010, and called for me on a rainy and cold day (how could i refuse to give her a little help?)
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