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A Few of My Favorite Things

Movies and Television

I love comedies and reality TV.

Yes, I Read, Too!

I'll read anything. I feel lost if I don't have something to read...especially in the bathroom

The Sound of Music

I like all types of music. I definitely will not say I hate a specific type of music, because there are good songs in all genres. I prefer upbeat music, but I also love the Beatles and Red Hot Chili Peppers.....and disco music, 80s old skool, 90s pop, etc.

About My Cats

My Cats

I have an almost 14 year old Persian cat named Felicia. She is orange and sorta looks like Garfield. I adopted her from craigslist when she was 11. She's my buddy and I love having her around.

Personal Info

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Working Life

Industry You Work In
You Forgot to List What I Do!
More About What I Do
I work as an addictions counselor at a methadone clinic. I also work part-time at a parole reporting center, doing drug assessments. You could say that drugs are my life.


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14 years 11 months