The blissful buzz from last week's adventure with Jackson Galaxy, getting the mind-bogglingly-huge donation of cat food from Halo and having the Press here wore off faster than I had hoped. You can't be “that” happy and think that you'll feel that way forever-ain't gonna happen. The only thing was I wasn't prepared for how low I would feel the days to follow.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Hello, baby!
Tuesday was my birthday. I didn't expect a gala celebration, but I did expect, at least a few cards and a cake. I got FIVE postcards from vendors wishing me a Happy Birthday and issuing me a discount to buy cat food, get my back “cracked” or save on a new outfit at the chubby chick store. Sam made an appointment to take his cat, Nicky to the Vet so I guessed we weren't going out for breakfast as we used to do. We passed each other in the hallway. He wished me a “Happy Birthday,” then left. I found a few cards scattered around the house for me. I opened one. I sighed. Was anything in store for me today? Any surprises? Nothing had happened the weekend before and I knew this coming weekend was Easter so I doubted he would set something up for that time…what gives?
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Look at those extra toes!
I didn't have time to think about it. Katherine, my so called “friend” (I'm joking and only Katherine knows why. We really are friends, right?), told me about a stray cat living in Trumbull (where I used to live as a kid), who had given birth to what we thought was three kittens, but turned out to be six! I wasn't sure I should take them. I have King and Miss FP in Georgia and Bobette is in the big foster room. I only have one other space for cats so if I took this family, King and Miss FP would have to stay back in GA-which is so not fair to them or Maria.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Everyone tells me to name this cat, Wishbone, but I think that's a terrible name for a cat. What do you think?
In the end, I didn't feel like I could sleep knowing those cats were living outdoors. It gets into the 30's at night here and I feared not all the kittens would survive. They were born the night I met Jackson so I took it as a sign and agreed to take them on.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Mama is not sure what is going on and just wants to be reunited with her kittens.
While Sam was at the Vet, I went to another Vet to meet Katherine and pick up the kitties. First, Mama had to be snap tested for FIV+ and Feline Leukemia. We test EVERY cat before the come into the house. Thankfully, Mama was negative/negative, which was very important. If she was sick, that meant her kittens would be, too. If she had Feline Leukemia, it would have been a very bad day for all of us.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Meet the family!
Katherine had told me the kittens were black and white, which was fine. I'm slow to take on kittens that are solid black because my rescue is small and black kitties are the last to get adopted. I don't want to get stuck and not be able to help other kittens if I have kittens here for a long period of time who aren't easily adoptable. I wish that wasn't the case and I wish it didn't matter, but it does. Of course, we were not given very accurate information. All but one kitten is black, the other is black and white. A life is a life and these babies would be safe, but I did feel worried that if I couldn't find good homes as soon as they were old enough to be adopted that I'd have these cats forever.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Mama & the Family.
I looked at the bright side. Two of the black kittens are also polydactyl on their front and back paws. Their daddy is a big, black, fluffy poly-kitty. It's the first time I've ever known the sire of any of my cats. From the looks of it, even at just eight days old, two of the kittens were going to be bruisers.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Nom-noms with mom-mom!
On the way home, I stopped a Luigi's and got myself a few pastries. Luigi's smells like what Heaven should smell like-sugar. I hadn't been there for years and it was a special day so I was going to treat myself. I wasn't even going to SHARE with Sam. So there!
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. I didn't eat all of this, at once or at all, but I thought about it.
I got the little family tucked into their room. I left them alone so the mama could check things out undisturbed. So began my worrying that one or more kittens would die. Until they are two weeks old they have a 30-40% mortality rate! I kept thinking about Bobette's little ones who died after we rescued them. I wasn't prepared for that to happen again, but the mama is small and with six kittens constantly vying for food, it was a lot of stress on her and on them.
I sent out emails to my rescue friends who've bottle fed kittens and asked for their advice since I've never done it before. I read about ideal weight of week-old kittens and I got my scale ready. I weighed most of the kittens until Mama sat across the front of the scale and growled at me. I didn't want to mess with her kittens too much and have her abandon them, so I left the room.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. There are six kittens in there somewhere.
The first two days were shaky. I wasn't sure she was feeding her babies. Mama began to eat, drink and use the litter pan normally. Slowly, but surely, she let me see her eat, then see her feed her kittens. I was greatly relieved to see her feeding all her kittens, not just some. None of them were cast aside. So far, so good.
Mama came over to me and let me pet her. She was very sweet, but something bothered her so growled and jumped back into the bathtub to sit near her kittens. She's very protective of them and seems to stay close by most of the time. I find that if I bring her food and hold the plate by her mouth, she'll eat while the kittens are nursing. She's eating a lot of food and I just keep it coming. I know the more she gets, the more she can provide.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Mama provides.
I'm going to weigh the kittens today since it's been three days since the family arrived. I have to balance bothering the mama with making sure each kitten is gaining weight. This morning, one of the kittens had it's eyes open! Pretty soon all of them will-I hope. At this point, I don't even know what sex the kittens are so I've put off naming them and I think I'd feel better if they were a bit older before I did that.
It's kind of nice to have little ones here. It's been years since I had kittens this young. Usually Maria has them at her house and frankly, I think she's much less of a worry-wort and better prepared to deal with them than I am.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Aww!
Oh and as for my Birthday, the Birthday that never was…as the hours ticked by I got more ticked off. Clearly nothing was going to happen. No flowers. No surprises. No CAKE! Sam was acting like he was mad at me but I couldn't figure out if it had anything to do with me at all. The only surprise was that nothing was happening. At 7:30PM Sam asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner. I basically exploded at the point and we had a big fight-just what you want to do on your BIRTHDAY. It's not worth it to go into details or ask you to take my side, even if I'm (mostly) right! It was my Birthday and no one should be told mean things on their birthday. I'm sorry but that's just wrong.
Once again, Sam and I walked to the edge of the precipice, but neither of us was ready to jump, though I certainly did fantasize about pushing him over, that's for sure.
I focus on the mama-cat. I focus on work. My birthday was just another day, but it WAS great to be part of saving seven lives that day. Whatever else is going on, I'm numb to. It's a sad place to be, but I hope I find my bootstraps so I can pull myself back up.
belated happy birthday
Belated happy birthday to you ~~ Your blog, blog updates, and posts are always so touching. I've had a "forgotten" birthday in the past where a significant other treated me poorly. Rest your worries and know that you mean a lot to all the lives you touch -- those with 4 paws and those of us who don't have paws at all.
Happy birthday! Guys get
Happy birthday! Guys get weird and jealous sometimes when cats are involved. I know there will be times when all of my cats are cuddled and kissed and fussed over every day while my husband is pretty much ignored. I don't mean to do it, but it happens. Also with rescues, there is so much worry and preoccupaition and financial strain. I know what you are going through. My husband loves cats too, but he would probably have many less if it was up to him. It takes a toll sometimes, but I still think it's worth it.
I agree - Wishbone isn't the greatest name. Maybe you could call the kitten "Tunes" for now because the markings also look like a tuning fork.
Happy birthday!
Guys get weird and jealous sometimes when cats are involved. I know there will be times when all of my cats are cuddled and kissed and fussed over every day while my husband is pretty much ignored. I don't mean to do it, but it happens. Also with rescues, there is so much worry and preoccupaition and financial strain. I know what you are going through. My husband loves cats too, but he would probably have many less if it was up to him. It takes a toll sometimes, but I still think it's worth it.
I agree - Wishbone isn't the greatest name. Maybe you could call the kitten "Tunes" for now because the markings also look like a tuning fork.
Happy Belated Birthday!
I know it's hard as we get older to accept we won't always have as big of deal made about our birthday as when we were young, but everyone still needs that acknowledgement, one special day. Don't apologize for your feelings, it's totally normal. While it may not have seemed so at the time- you did receive one by agreeing to take in the Momma cat and her kits. Your compassion will be rewarded. Thank you for all you do- you ARE greatly admired! <3<3<3
hmmm Wishbone???
is this kitten a boy or girl? other objects look like a wishbone... tuning fork, devining rod, etc... but, when I look at that mark, I think Rocket. My suggestions: Boy = Rocket ~~ Girl = Devine
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