King continues to amaze us. He was once just another hungry stray cat, but with a startling difference. He has no back feet, but somehow this cat survived for the past year on his own. He was dirty, scared and thin. Life at the Palette Factory meant dodging forklifts, trucks and fighting for scraps from the employee's lunch pails. But somehow, through all of that, King made a life for himself.
©2012 Maria. S. Enjoying the good life by his new cat tree.
When our friend, Bobby told me about King, I knew we had to do something. There were plenty of risks taking on a cat like this. Would there be bank-breaking surgeries needed? Would he be nasty? Fractious? Did he suffer from other issues we were yet to discover? Who would adopt him if we DID rescue him?
©2012 Maria. S. King gives us that “come hither and rub my belly” stare.
There are times when although you're aware of all those questions, you have to do something no matter what and that's what we did. Bobby got King over to the Vet and had him spayed, got his shots and tests and went on to Mama-Maria's house to be fostered. Shortly thereafter he was taken to another vet to be x-rayed so we could determine what happened to his legs. We needed to do more tests so a final diagnosis would have to wait.
©2012 Maria. S. Ready for rubbin'!
We had some trying times. King urinated quite a few times on his bedding. When his Palette Factory friend, Miss FP arrived to share the same space with him, he urinated even more outside of the litter pan. Maria thought he might be incontinent, but he was using the pan some times. Over a few weeks, King settled down and he hasn't urinated outside the litter pan after we got him a big cat tree that allows Miss FP to be up high and feel safe and King can stay on the floor on his pillows and feel safe, too.
©2012 Maria S. & Robin Olson. King makes a friend and learns to play.
Bobby took King to see an orthopedic specialist named Dr. Alan Cross. Dr. Cross examined King and reviewed his x-rays. He felt that it was likely that King's issue is due to a deformity and not an accident because if it had been an accident, King would have bled to death. There is either a callus or a bit of a paw pad at the end of each back leg. The legs are almost the same length, but the right one is a bit shorter. King is not a good candidate for a cart or prosthetics. They could do more harm, than good. King might benefit from some soft booties or leggings so we'll look into that. Bottom line-King needs to live in a home with rugs or carpeting because without it only his front legs reach the ground and the others swing freely in the air. On carpet he can plant his back legs and walk somewhat normally.
©2012 Maria. S. What IS that thing?
While all these tests and vet trips were going on, something amazing happened. King began to blossom.
His filthy coat began to shine. The white patches of fur glowed. King's eyes had a sparkle that wasn't there before. He gained some weight so now he has a fullness that was missing before. King made best friends with Maria's cat, Kahlua. The two of them “head butt” each other and even hold paws. Part of me wishes Maria would keep King so he could stay with Kahlua, but it also means that King cold be happy in a forever home that has another kitty already waiting to be his friend.
Sadly, Miss FP has not been interested in forming a friendship, but keeps to herself or enjoys pets when Maria's friends come over to visit.
©2012 Maria. S. Ooo! Cardboard scratchy thing!
The best thing about King is his love for everyone. He's an easy going, sweet natured cat. Considering what his life has been like, he has no reason to be affectionate towards humans, yet he loves people. He's a very special cat and I admit to having a crush on him from afar. I can't wait for him to join us here and I can't wait for the day to arrive when he finds his forever home.
©2012 Maria. S. The day we rescued King. What a wreck, but still regal under all that dirt.
This cat has been through so much, but his future is looking bright. I enjoy the privilege to witness his glorious transformation. It gives me great joy. In fact, I'm walking on air, too.
©2012 Maria. S. A few weeks later, with a belly full of high protein canned food, a few vet visits, a clean, safe place to live and lots of love, King bears little resemblance to his former self.
I have been reading along and wish you didn't have to struggle. And yet, I look at King (and the rest you have saved) and know that you will be richly rewarded....even if it is in cat hair. :) I am cheering for you and King....I know you can do it!
What a transformation
Wow - how handsome he has become in his shiny new tuxedo suit! What a lucky boy to have been rescued from his under-factory hell and dropped safely into Maria-home heaven. Isn't he just an inspiration? I'm so happy for him and it lifted my heart to see him and Kahlua together. What a fantastic story.
Leggings for Life?
I wonder if Leggings for Life would be good for King. Here's a video starring the lovely Willow -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bazbEgq6jwc&feature=youtu.be and their Facebook page -- https://www.facebook.com/Leggingsforlife
King looks fabulous! Thanks for the great update.
Wow, King has blossomed
Wow, King has blossomed amazingly! I agree, I wish he could stay with Kahlua, and they will probably miss each other a lot when he finally leaves Maria's home. But I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is another nice kitty out there that he will have a special bond with. Oh, and a special human or too also!
Walking on Air
Thank you for sharing him with us...so rewarding to see him blossom and know he would make someone a very special companion...love conquers all...
Love to see the before and after pics.
Amazing, he was lucky you folks found him, what a beautiful cat.
Great work folks.
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