Dee reads my blog (Thank you, Dee!). She bugged her friend, Angi to give Chloe a foster home since Angi lives in Connecticut, has cats and LOVES cats enough to take on one more (and she's also an awesome artist). Dee already fosters cats and knows that Angi would do a great job so she used whatever secret powers she has to urge Angi to give Chloe a home until she's ready to go to her forever home.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Poor Chloe. Feeling scared was not a surprise, but what happened next certainly was.
I would call this “finding a foster home in a haystack,” because I thought there is NO WAY we're going to be able to find a LONG-TERM foster home for Chloe. Color me surprised.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. A little self-soothing foot bath before she explores the room any further.
Angi is awesome. She's vivacious and cute with a funky-cool haircut and an easy going attitude. I did a home visit to make sure she had a good space for Chloe to pass the next few months, recover from her abuse and to lose a bit of weight (she's already lost a pound). Angi had a perfect space-a guest room in the corner of her home that overlooks her yard. It's a far cry from the bathroom where Chloe has been staying with Katherine and it's almost as big as the entire living room where Chloe once lived with her former guardian.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Katherine brings out Chloe's favorite brush.
Everything went well with the home visit and today Katherine and I delivered Chloe to Angi's home.
Chloe didn't protest too much in the car, but Katherine and I both worried what she'd do when she got out of her cat carrier. Would she completely revert to being aggressive with Angi? Would she try to bite her? Would she growl and lash out?
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Chloe's FAVORITE-Cat Grass!
We covered her cat carrier and rushed her into Angi's house, before Angi's three cats knew what we were up to. We got the room set up with Chloe's things while Chloe watched us from the safety of her crate.
Then came the big moment-opening the door.
We all took a collective deep breath as Katherine opened the crate. Out walked Chloe, planting her face directly into a small container of cat grass. Content to munch on her favorite treat, we all relaxed. At least Chloe wasn't going to charge us, guns blazing.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Or is Chloe's favorite thing being brushed?
Chloe, energized from her treat, surprised us by getting up and casually began to examine her new home. She rubbed her face onto Angi's outstretched hand, the table, the edge of the cat carrier. She rubbed up against ME, which at first scared, then delighted me, leaving me sitting there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot.
Chloe continued exploring the room. She didn't go very fast or very far. She had to take a break and sit down every so often, but she wasn't hiding. She was simply curious. So far, so good.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Happy Buddha-kitty!
Katherine got Chloe's favorite brush out and that put a smile onto this kitty's face. Chloe loved being brushed and it helped her relax.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Reaching up to be brushed. More, please!
Chloe got a bit irritated from all the attention. Perhaps it was a bit too much, too soon. She gave Katherine and Angi a “love bite,” but nothing worse. Katherine stopped brushing Chloe and decided it was time to go over the instructions for taking care of her with Angi.
Katherine and I left Angi's, feeling happy and hopeful that Chloe would finally have a chance to flower.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. A little love from Katherine.
A few hours later, Angi wrote that she was have a bit of hard time getting BACK into the room with Chloe and that Chloe attacked her ankles. I guess I shouldn't have made a joke about the boots, but then I realized maybe someone had kicked Chloe and that's why she was upset? When we let her out of the cat carrier, we were all sitting on the floor, which made us less intimidating. Now what was Angi going to do?
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. A few skritches from Aunt Angi.
Angi took it in stride. She knows this is going to be a long process and now Chloe will have to learn to trust her, too. She's prepared to give Chloe every chance, if Chloe will just allow her into the room once in awhile so she can water her plants.
Awww, Chloe! *PRAYERS* and hope that she will do very well with Angi! Chloe sure is a pretty girl, and she deserves the very best life. I won't comment here as to anyone who would even dream of hurting any cat. You know my thoughts on that already, I think.
Wondering how Chloe is doing these days, and continuing to share her story because I know her loving, permanent home is going to see her and not be able to resist her!
Also, hoping you got my reply about Fred; our beloved Sun was diagnosed with dry-form FIP and lived to be almost 16, quality time up until almost the very last, with ImmunoRegulin and B-12 injections given by his wonderful doctor. Encouraging you to talk with Fred's doctor about this regimen if it is determined that Fred may well have FIP. He can live a happy and quite healthy life with good care and this treament. *PRAYERS*
Wondering how Chloe is doing these days, and continuing to share her story because I know her loving, permanent home is going to see her and not be able to resist her!
Also, hoping you got my reply about Fred; our beloved Sun was diagnosed with dry-form FIP and lived to be almost 16, quality time up until almost the very last, with ImmunoRegulin and B-12 injections given by his wonderful doctor. Encouraging you to talk with Fred's doctor about this regimen if it is determined that Fred may well have FIP. He can live a happy and quite healthy life with good care and this treament. *PRAYERS*
Wondering how Chloe is doing these days, and continuing to share her story because I know her loving, permanent home is going to see her and not be able to resist her!
Also, hoping you got my reply about Fred; our beloved Sun was diagnosed with dry-form FIP and lived to be almost 16, quality time up until almost the very last, with ImmunoRegulin and B-12 injections given by his wonderful doctor. Encouraging you to talk with Fred's doctor about this regimen if it is determined that Fred may well have FIP. He can live a happy and quite healthy life with good care and this treament. *PRAYERS*
Well done, Team Chloe!
Glad to hear she's getting better and better and has the love and support of so many people now!
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