I had a blast kittensitting for my friends at Animals in Distress last week. Their five frisky felines were very friendly and joyful. It was pure delight to be around them-until, of course, they decided it would be fun to climb up my legs! Yes, they all need a CLAW TRIM! Aunt Connie came to get them on Sunday. I was sad to see them go, but it just makes me look forward to getting The Angel Babies and Bob's Pumpkin Patch kittens in the coming weeks.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Uh oh...the zombie kittens are back!
I have a bit of an exciting and surprising update to share. After scratching my head for months, trying to figure out how to approach local Vets to help my rescue, Kitten Associates, a Vet sort of fell (figuratively) into my lap.
It seems that someone who runs a rescue where I used to volunteer is mis-behaving rather badly by having an affair with the husband of one of her current volunteers! The news was quickly spread all over town by the jilted wife/volunteer with such passion that I felt like I needed to duck and hide once I heard the news. Without going into details (there are lots of other issues going on that I can't speak about that make this situation a bit more touchy) or pointing fingers, let's just say that one of the repercussions of these events was that one of the local vets said he didn't want to work with this person's rescue group any longer.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson.
When I heard this news I thought either the Vet would NEVER want to work with another rescue group again, or that perhaps he just didn't want the emotional issues to deal with, but would need time to want to help out again. Feeling rather desperate to find a low-cost Vet, I thought the worst thing he could do was say NO if I asked for his help.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. How not to weigh the kittens..or maybe just divide by two?
What surprised me was that before I could even try to pitch why he should work with us, he said, YES! He just wants to help cats. He's willing to donate some time to K.A. every month. During that time he won't charge me an office visit and will help reduce costs across the board for vaccinations, spay surgeries and anything else. I wanted to cry, but he didn't even want thanks. I offered to help him by doing design work for him at a reduced rate and he didn't need it. He just wants to help a rescue, so he's going to help us.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson.
Do I feel a bit creepy about asking this Vet to help us? Yes, but the future of K.A. depends on us being able to make the most of the donations we get. Because of this Vet's help, I was able to rescue two more local kittens. I have to remind myself, to paraphrase the words of this Vet, it's all about the animals and their well being. The politics and B.S. we can both do without.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Intercepted!
The interesting/challenging aspect of our arrangement is that if I ask him to spay/neuter a cat, that I HAVE TO ACT AS HIS VET TECHNICIAN. This means, shaving the girl's belly, holding them while they get their anesthesia shot, helping with them after they are out of surgery and whatever else is needed. I was told I don't have to watch the surgery-thank GOODNESS! There are things I can do and things I can learn, but there are some things I just can't do. When I have a loving connection to my foster kittens, the last thing I want to see is them knocked out and being sliced open.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Invisible kitty motorcycle rider takes a wicked turn.
Tomorrow is my first time helping neuter the three boys in this litter of black or black and white kittens! Max, Ruby (mis-named!) and Spot are ready to go. Because these are A.I.D. kittens, and I'm sharing resources with them, their Aunt Connie is going to be a Vet Tech, too. We're both going to learn about what's needed. I have to be ready for next month when the two little girls I rescued will need to be spayed. Scared? Yes, a bit. I'm Hoping I don't mess up or irritate the Vet. He's doing so much for us. I wish there was something I could do to thank him!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Stuck to the cat toy?
I guess my thanks will be to show up on time, do a good job and not cry like a baby when I see the kittens come out of surgery!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Ooo! Smells like roses!
I can't help but feel weird about all of this, but in time it will sort itself out. Just so you know, the group that lost their Vet has at least two others they work with, maybe three, so this doesn't hurt them as much at it might appear on the surface.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Off with her head!
By the way, ALL THE KITTENS FEATURED HERE ARE AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! They're located in southern Fairfield County, Connecticut. Visit AID's web site for adoption information.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Weeeeeee!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Zombie kitten wants your brainz!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Shy flyer.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Super stretch!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Riding an invisible rocket.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. On no! Zombie kitten on the warpath!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Umm...detachable legs?
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Excuse me, but would you please pet me?
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Woah!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Zombie kitten tries to use the force to move the cat toy closer.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Zombie kitten don't give a squat! Just walks over victim on to next plate full of brainz.
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Zombiezzzzzzzzz!
Great Pix!!!!!
These pix are wonderful and the captions are HIGHlarious!!! Congratulations on taking the high road. And about thanking him...well, Robin, you are already a master of "paying it forward"!
We love Zombie Kittenz!
Yay, we love the Zombie Kittenz... But they can't come here, they might eat Sherlock's brainz....
So glad you had some fun.
OMC - those zombies are
OMC - those zombies are ADORABLE!!! I think the stress of every day can be resolved by sitting in a room full of kittens. :)
While the sticky situation is bad, there is some good to come out of it for you and the Vet. I love that he just wants to help and screw the politics....my sentiment exactly. Oh - and cookies for payment have always worked well for me in the past. Helping out with surgery isn't so bad....I have been drafted a few times (and fortunately haven't had to watch either)...you will learn all sorts of new and weird things.
And as a side note, I would happily divide by 2 if I could get kittens to sit still on a scale that long. MOL
That's wonderful news about obtaining a low cost vet for KA! You will do a wonderful job.
Own! Baby kittens are so cute and funny!
I loooove this post!
I Watched Neuter On My Two Cats
Just out of curiosity I watched the neuter on my two boys last Spring . Not a big scary deal. Anesthitize, shave, tiny slit, pop out little pink pea-size testicle. Cut spermatic cord, fold end back, close with tiny metal staple. Repeat on other side. All over in minutes, no bleeding to speak of. The worst part was holding the one very wiggly squirmy cat still long enough to knock him out.
Well done on getting a vet on
Well done on getting a vet on board! and those zombie kittens are gorgeous! and lighter than air, by the looks of it.
You aren't hurting that
You aren't hurting that group. I would suspect they are at high risk of self destruction because they have a leader who has demonstrated that no volunteer can trust her. Not that she'll repeat that same mistake, but she's proven that she is willing to betray people who help her when it suits her own agenda.
Good luck with you new connection! I hope you find it enjoyable. You are already pretty hands on with cat's health. You've done the theory, now time for your lab practical!
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