Rest in Peace, Reggie

My good friends just informed me that their dear kitty, Reggie, passed away last night. I will certainly miss this sweet tempered girl and I'm so very sad that her life with her family only lasted for a few years.

Reggie was adopted from a shelter when she was already middle aged. It was a case of a few mistaken assumptions-at first everyone at the shelter thought that Reggie was a boy! Surprise to find out that wasn't the case and that she was a girl, but had already been given a boy's name, so it stuck. Reggie wasn't a young kitty, either, but one ready for a quieter life. Fortunately for her, regardless of her name or age, her family loved her dearly and gave her everything she needed be a happy kitty.


Reggie, you will be missed, but certainly in good company of the many kitties who are ready to welcome you the Rainbow Bridge.

What Was I Thinking?

So I volunteered to run another load of rescued Brittany Spaniels up to Hartford. This time it was going to be in MY little car and this time no puppies, but adults-so no crates, just loose dogs. No problem. I can do this.

Last night I prepped the car, put sheets all over the seats, packed up cleaning supplies, treats, water and a bowl. I knew where the pickup and drop off points were located, so I was ready! Now I just needed the doggies.

I reached the pickup location early and Debra was already waiting for me. I could tell the dogs wanted to BOUNCE OUT OF THE CAR. I grabbed Margo, who MUST be kept in the front seat, away from the other dogs or she gets pissed off. Debra grabbed Bailey and our new amputee, Kiley. The second they were out of the car it was complete chaos! Thank goodness we had a good hold of the leads. The dogs wanted to get moving! It was all we could do to get them to settle down enough so we could get them some water-which they inhaled, and get all their papers and other things transferred over to my car.

Then it was time to load my car. Debra was awesome and got two in the back while I held onto Margo. We loaded her last and it went fine, but the dogs didn't want to sit down. They all wanted the front seat!

Margo is giving me that look...too bad I don't know what "that look" means in dog-speak!

This is where I start wondering if I'm an idiot.

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Look at them! Little Kiley and Bailey are so sweet...ha ha ha! For NOW!

I get the car moving, realizing that the dogs have moved the sheets off the seats and are sliding all over the LEATHER cushions with their dirty feet. Oops.

The dogs settled down fairly quickly for which I was very grateful. Margo wanted to put her head in my lap, but it was too dangerous, so I just kept my hand on her head as I navigated through the traffic. So far, so good.

After a few minutes, the dogs were bored and started to shuffle around the car. I opened the small windows in the back and the dogs got all excited and bounced all over each other. Nice. Ok. Close windows. Settle down...whew...

The next 30 minutes were relatively fine, until I heard puppy Bailey make a funny sound. I looked over my shoulder to see him vomit something huge over my back seat and onto the floor. Then the stench of pepperoni dog barf filled the cabin. Ack! I almost barfed, myself. Nice. This is going great.

A second after that, Kiley farted some sort of death fart. The blend of doggie smells was intoxicating, cough cough...

It certainly motivated me to DRIVE quickly to get to the drop off location. I was running early and I prayed that Rachel would be there to get these beasts out of my car! I pulled myself together, took a breath, then Kiley BARKED suddenly and loudly! It scared the shit out of me and I almost drove off the highway!!!! I need to get these dogs OUT OF MY CAR!!!!!

Ok. It's going to be OK...really..ha ha ha ha ha...oh boy.

There are no more photos. I got to the drop off place and had a hair raising time getting all the dogs into Rachel's big truck. Margo discovered FOOD and was doing everything she could to pull the paper wrapped sandwiches towards her drooling mouth. The other two dogs wanted the front seat, too, but Margo would flip out if she hadn't been so focused on the treats. I feared for Rachel, but she was calm. Ha ha ha..for now!

I waved farewell to Rachel and the goggies, then went to work cleaning the puke and mud out of my car. I am very happy to know I helped some goggies have a better life, but please, next time, no barfing in the car, OK? Cat barf is one thing, but dog barf...WOOF!


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Oscar has moved on to our main foster home and was reunited with his sister. Oscar, you WILL be missed!

I had 15 minutes to quickly scrub down the big dog crate and get the foster room ready for my next wild babies. Our Director brought over a feral, calico mama-very pretty and her three kittens.

Mama had been living in a shed on a very nice man's property, but it wasn't a safe place for her. The kittens were born on June 1. Two of them already died, so the gentleman sought out our help and we were happy to jump in and lend him a hand. I'll be fostering Mama and her remaining babies for the next 6 weeks, until they're old enough to be weaned and spayed/neutered, themselves. During that time I'll be working on socializing them-IF their Mama lets me near them.

For now, she's settled in her new digs with lots of fresh food and water and peace and quiet for her and her babies.

Welcome new family!

I need names! Mama needs a name and so do her babies, but I don't know if I have boys or girls just yet! Got any ideas? Let me know!

It's That Time Again

Oscar has been alone in the foster room for a few days. Over the time his demeanor has changed dramatically. Oscar is now a sweet and loving kitten. No more hissing or hiding. A little tough love seemed to do the trick. Now, each time I enter his room he'll walk over to me, with his tail straight up in the air, showing me he's no longer so fearful and even happy to see me. It seems as though Oscar would rather be petted than eat or play. He is a dear, dear kitten. Whoever adopts him is going to be very lucky, indeed.

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Oscar's only been here for about 10 days, but he's already gotten under my skin. I hate to see him go, but I'm told we're getting overloaded with pregnant feral moms and friendly moms with kittens that all need a foster home, so Oscar will go to our main foster location to be reunited with his sister, Chloe and a half a dozen other friendly kittens. He'll live there until his forever family finds him.

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Later today I'll be getting my new fosters and the next story will begin. I'd love to get some friendly kittens, but looks like they'll be another batch of wild babies.

I'll update Oscar's progress on getting adopted as soon as I have some news and by the way, LuLu and Sammy were adopted together! I only had them here a few DAYS before they were gone, so I didn't even get a chance to update their progress, too!

Hey, it's KITTEN SEASON, what did you expect? I'm gettin' busy!

A Happy Ending for Orange Cat

Last month I wrote about Orange Cat (aka, OC). OC was abandoned at my Vet's office. He was in a carrier, with a note attached. The heartbreaking note plead for someone to take care of "Scotch" or "help him go to heaven" if they couldn't do anything to help him. OC had two self-inflicted bloody wounds on his back from chewing at himself. Whether it was due to allergies or stress or both, no one knew. There were no medical records provided with OC, just a note with his name.

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Thankfully, OC was in good hands. He is so affectionate and sweet, we all joined together to try to find him a home. Most of us have too many kitties already and with his mysterious condition-OC would be harder to place since he'd be considered "special needs."

Apparently, someone fell in love with OC. The perfect new Mom for him, too!

I couldn't make this announcement until everyone was certain that this was a good fit and the time is up-OC has his much needed home! He'll get all the best care in the world, along with the love he most certainly deserves. One of the Vet's adopted him! Now OC lives with Dr. Michelle, other cats and some goggies, too! He seems to get along well with everyone!


OC won't be seeing the inside of a cage any time soon, unless he goes to work with his new "Mom!"

OC also got a new name, to honor the start of his new life.

I'm pleased to introduce you to, Dewey!

Much Better...!

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Nicky makes it look so elegant, yet you know he has to be uncomfortable!

This is how I feel in my bed, too!


Believe it or not, the cat bed right next to Nicky and Bob Dole is EMPTY.

Spa Week

It's been almost EIGHT months since Gracie had her first breakout of Milliary Dermatitis (Rash, for gosh sakes!).

The intensity of the breakout has waxed and waned, depending on if she had steroids or a bath or neither. She's on a single source protein diet now, which ALL the cats want to eat, but at $45 a case, they ain't gonna get it! She is supposed to get a bath every other day. She also just got up to Shot #11 of her Allergy Treatment, which means she can go up to three weeks before her next shot.

All this adds up to a lot of nothin.' My poor dear Gracie is still ravaged by blubous crusts. She's still itchy. If I can bathe her every day or two she DOES seem to get better. The problem-she's been handled too much and messed with too much. There is no trick I can play on her to get her to come to me. She's so freaked out that today was the first time I touched her in over a WEEK because I had her trapped in a cat carrier! Being skittish has made it nearly impossible for me to help her any further.

Her suffering is my suffering. Every time I see her scratch, I feel bad. I called Dr. Larry and spoke with Super Deb, first, then Dr. Larry. We all agreed that it might help to have Gracie live at his Clinic for the next week, at least. There, Gracie will have little to do, other than relax, get pets from the staff and a bath, once every day. They'll rotate which shampoo they use, some antibiotic and some steroid based products.

"Oooo! A TWO room apartment! How chic!

The hope is that away from most dust mite allergens and with a daily bath, it will give Gracie a chance to overcome her rash. If we keep her there longer, perhaps she can get to a point where her immune system can handle coming back home.

Gracie checks out her new digs at Spa Larry

But the jury is out on if she can ever live without being on steroids to keep her comfortable. I realize the question will be how to measure her quality of a shortened, but more comfortable life versus the quantity of years she would live, albeit uncomfortably, without the drugs. I'm not ready to make that choice for her.

P.S. No, that's a TOY mouse.

World's Best Cat Belly


Spencer had some special visitors today and apparently all the attention he got wore him out. I've NEVER seen him fall asleep, belly up and paws out, ever. It was SO tempting to rub his belly but we all resisted. This is one happy cat!


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