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I FINALLY got something to back up my gillions of gigabytes of data and for some reason, instead of taking a few HOURS to back up, it's taking A WEEK. I kid you not. I started it on Sunday, it's still going now and it won't be done for another day or more!!!!! I am FED UP, CRANKY, PISSED!

Until I have the backup done, I'm not going to be posting since I don't want to interfere with the backup.

Talk about annoying!!!!!! I have sooooo much to complain about, too!

Until I get my computer back, pop over to Twitter and visit me! Let me know how you're doing. How are your cats? Gracie is going back to Dr. Larry tomorrow. The jury is still out on if we have her allergic issues under control or not.

As for me, I went to the dentist for a cleaning 12 hours ago and my gums still ache and I found out I might end up losing a tooth-one that was crowned last year and which has NEVER been right, since.

AND, I just watched the most DREADFUL movie!!!!! Why did I watch the entire thing (if you count fast forwarding through the last 30 minutes, watching the WHOLE thing)? Don't bother watching Snow Angels. Yes, there's snow. Yes, if you believe in Angels, then there are a few characters who most likely become Angels during the movie. Other than that, it was DEPRESSING, BORING, SLOW, BORING, DEPRESSING, and SLOW.

Thank Goodness my TIVO grabbed Ghost Hunters International while the movie was playing. At least I have some quality entertainment to look forward to now.

Over and HMPF!

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