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The Jury is Still Out

Bob continues to pass the days without much change. As of last night he is off Flagyl and now I will begin to worry again. Will he be able to keep his food down? This is a big week for Bob. If he can continue to eat, at least small meals and not vomit, I think he'll be all right. He still has one more Cerenia to take, which will keep his belly quiet, but by later in the week, the true test will come. This is where I'll start to know if Bob is slipping down that slope or if he has recovered enough to suffer more simply from "Old Cat" ailments, than from anything in particular.

Bob's PLI test came back SlIGHTLY elevated. Well, gee, they FINALL did the test AFTER he'd been getting IV's for 2 weeks, so sure, the results are not remarkable. They suggest to repeat the test in two weeks. Really nothing has been found so far, other than the haemobartonella.

Bob's appetite fluctuates and I'm complicating things by continuing to try new foods to encourage him to eat and eat more than just a lick of broth. This morning he ate really well for me and that was great. He'll also happily eat that nice fattening grain-free dry food. He ate so much of it that he vomited it all back up. A big fist-size blow out. After that I've been more careful, letting him have access to small amounts and he's been keeping that down. He only gets the dry once per day and at such a small amount, I'm not going to sweat it.

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This morning I found some vomit, but I don't know WHO did it! I know it wasn't ME and it wasn't SAM. Other than that there are seven candidates. I will hope it wasn't Bob since I do know some of the cats are working on hairballs right now. I'm going through a lot of laxatone! Bob, please, I hope it wasn't you!

Lastly, I'm flat out angry. I'm angry at all the money I had to spend to find out basically nothing. I have a pile of unused meds that I can get a refund on and lots of pointing fingers and following leads that seem to go nowhere. I'm not up for spending more money on tests. It's already put my finances at risk. I don't mean to sound like I have buyer's remorse, but it does feel like that.

I would never just leave Bob to suffer and die. Never. I will always help him as much as I can-just as I do for my other cats. What I can't digest is why this had to cost so much money and why we couldn't get to these answers without having to jump through so many hoops and put Bob through so much?

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