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Robin Olson's blog

A Few Comments...and an Announcement!

There's no news about KoKo so far today. Am hoping for an update some time tonight.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say; “Thank You!” to all the people who took time out of their lives to cross-post my swear-word-laden-rant all over the Net. Some of you had to revise my words a bit here and there so your own readers wouldn't blush too much. To me, it makes little difference what is said-as long as we FIND A PLACEMENT or an ADOPTOR for KoKo.

I also wanted to make a comment about YOUR comments. Many of you, like me, were furious about how this cat was treated and many of you spoke of the great lengths you've gone or would go to provide care for your animal friends. It hurts me to know that many of you are struggling and going without, so that your pets can have what they need. That is so noble and compassionate, but too, please DO remember that you need to take care of YOU, as well. It's a tough balancing act these days-with the costs of pet food and good Vet care on the rise, it's a wonder we have any money left over for our own food and healthcare. I wish things were different.

There was also a comment about how I should "write like an adult" and not use profanity in my blog post. Firstly, I have every right to express my thoughts and feelings however I see fit on My Blog. Also, if you read my Blog once in awhile, you know I don't use profanity as a matter of habit, so if I chose to, then you also know I am PASSIONATE about what I'm writing about. I really care about Koko and all the other cats (and dogs) who get dumped by their owners every day and in this situation, I think profanity was appropriate. I also don't want any bad feelings stirred up around here, so next time I'll still write what my heart moves me to write, but I'll put a little warning notice at the beginning so you don't have to worry about being offended.


Next. Let's change the pace here a bit. There's a brand new Spay/Neuter Clinic opening in GEORGIA with a very clever name: Planned PETHood of Georgia! I'm beyond thrilled. This will help so many families do the right thing for their pets and also allow local rescue groups to save money when they get their fosters fixed. Please visit their web site and say hello. They're also on Facebook, so fan them if you'd care to.

I love their Mission statement:

•Provide a solution to the warehousing and euthanasia of homeless pets by offering affordable, accessible spay/neuter services to individuals and animal welfare organizations.

• Promote awareness of pet overpopulation and the beneficial effects of spay/neuter to underserved communities; specifically low-income, non-English speaking, and those with feral cat populations.

• Present a sustainable, expandable model for low-cost spay/neuter, maintaining and improving this model until there are no communities in Georgia without local access to education and services.

• Produce a significant impact on the number of dogs and cats born, sheltered, and killed in Georgia.

If you live in the area, they're having an Open House on August 21, 2010 from 5-9 pm. Visit their web site for more information.

Not on My Watch: To KoKo's Owners-You Lousy Piece of Shit!

I'm sick and tired of assholes dumping their “problem” cats upon innocent animal shelters, Vets, mom & pop rescue groups. They're all targets for COWARDS, who refuse to STEP UP and DO the RIGHT THING for their animals. Instead, under the cover of darkness, they sneak up to the door of these places, DUMP their dog or cat, then take off. Some times they leave a note. I bet it's to make them feel better for the shitty thing they're about to do. “Well, I'll leave a note so they'll be sure to know I'm DUMPING the cat, not that the cat got left her by some freak accident.”

This afternoon, I was contacted by our friend, Betsy at Henry County Care & Control in McDonough, GA. She had just finished crying. Betsy has been helping rescue animals from Henry County for decades. She's seen it all and more, yet she's still brokenhearted by people's cruelty to animals.

A cat named KoKo, was brought to Henry County via Animal Control. On Saturday, the cat was DUMPED at the doorstep of a local Vet. They weren't even OPEN so the cat sat there for a day in a crate in the blistering heat! Once the Vet found the cat, they called Animal Control and now the poor thing is on Death Row at HCACC. They are full up! They don't have room to add countless animals to their facility.


KoKo is a brown tabby. Nothing exotic. Not a cute little kitten. Just another cat, whose owners are scum of the Earth. Now this cat has a few days left to live. She can compete for the very few available placements with a rescue or hope that some kind soul will adopt her and give her a DECENT home.

Why did the cat get dumped? Was she aggressive? NO! Was she...I don't know. I can't THINK of any reasons why I'd give up my CATS!!!! I would work with them to find out how to fix whatever behaviors they exhibit that bother me-even if they're doing what is natural to them. Sure, it's tough when the cat pees on the floor, or worse, on your clothes or bed, but when you figure out WHY, then it's better not only for you, but for the cat, too.

So KoKo had little cutesy-pie notes in her carrier. If you read them, your head will burn up and explode...okay, maybe not, but you'll certainly see the bullshit from a mile away and your blood pressure will go up for sure!

This so called “family” adopted KoKo when she was a kitten, since they know her birthday. Oh boy, they drove an entire hour and a half to get her, but apparently, when things didn't work out, they couldn't drive a few minutes to a f-ing VET!

Ahh, the good old “we can't afford the Vet” line-another classic. Did you try to TALK to your VET and work something out? I bet if you got off your lazy, selfish ass you might have found out that the Vet would have taken small payments over time or given you a break, but apparently, that long long, exhausting drive must have been the ONLY thing you did to make an effort for your cat. It's just TOO MUCH to ask that you, the caretaker of this animal, decide that the best thing to do is NOT ask ANY local rescue for help, NOT contact ANYONE, just tip toe up to the door of the Vet, like a common thief and dump your cat! SHAME ON YOU!

I love the way the note is written first hand, as though poor KoKo had written the plea for help, herself. Look at the charming little postscripts! How nice to tell the VICTIM (Vet) who found her that she had some shots. You're so (NOT) nice! Who wouldn't just LOVE the person who wrote this CRAP!!!

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What a faux-thoughtful letter. What nice handwriting. It must have taken hours of careful preparation to write this CRAP. You're not fooling anyone-COWARD!

Poor KoKo. Scared and dumped in a cage. She has no idea what she did to deserve this fate.

If KoKo really HAD written the note, I think this is what she would have said:

Dear Vet,

I got adopted by real assholes. They feed me lousy food and pay me little attention. One of them kicks me if I do anything they don't like, so I'm not so sure I can trust people. I'm not very happy where I live, in fact, I hate it. I've been feeling sick for a long time and they ignore me. I tried to get their attention by pooping on the floor, but they just yelled and rubbed my nose in it. I started peeing, too, but that was because my bladder burns real bad and I can't hold it in. I wish they would feed me better food and take me to the cat doctor so I could feel good again.

When no one cared about me, I finally gave up and just pooped and peed everywhere I could. One of them said he would kill me, so the other one said she would “deal with me” whatever that means.

So here I am, at your doorstep. I guess I got away from those horrible people, but now I'm in a jam. I don't have a place to live and I heard if I don't have one, either I will slowly starve to death living outdoors or I will be put to death at those places where they keep all the animals people give up on. I wish I could talk. I would only tell you that if you could help me feel better, I would be such a good friend to you. I would give you kisses and sleep on your lap and tell you I love you, in my way, but something tells me, maybe it's too late for me...

...but at least I'm away from those assholes.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Please change my name so I can forget my awful past.


But wait! There's more! One note was simply not enough! Betsy believes this one was probably written by the same person, but used the hand they don't normally write with so it looks like a kid wrote it. If a kid really DID write this, then their parents should be tossed in JAIL for abuse!

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The bullshit parade continues! Maybe if they spent the time it took to write these notes to CALL their VET and work something out, this would not have happened!

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Betsy tells me that KoKo has PERFECT litter box habits. She's probably not sick and if she had a behavior issue with the other cats she lived with, that could have been resolved-IF ANYONE HAD BOTHERED TO GET OF THEIR LAZY ASS AND TRY TO HELP THIS CAT.


WE NEED TO FIND A RESCUE PLACEMENT OR ADOPTER FOR THIS POOR, 2 year old CAT. INFO ON HOW TO HELP HER IS BELOW. As always, go with your heart. If you can't help her out, then help get the word out to everyone you know. Let's show KoKo that not all people SUCK-just the ones she lived with.

PLEASE REFER TO THIS ID# 8/16-3406 when contacting HCC&C.

Nice tabby “M” I see! Lovely girl!

We are very rescue friendly and are more than happy to work with any rescue group as long as the group has a valid Georgia Department of Agriculture license! Any rescue group, whether in or out of state, that takes pets from Georgia shelters, is required, by Georgia law, to have a rescue license issued by the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Animal Protection Division. Having tax exempt status is not the same as a license. For more information on obtaining a license, please call (404) 656-4914.


Henry County Animal Care and Control

527 Hampton Street

McDonough, Georgia 30253

(770) 288-7401

Our Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9 am-4:30 pm

Saturday: 9 am-1 pm

Sunday: Closed

County Observed Holidays: Closed

The shelter is located at 527 Hampton Street in McDonough. We are located south of Atlanta off I-75. Take exit 218 and head east on 20/81 toward McDonough. Our address is 527 Hwy 20/81 East.

For all other information regarding ordinances, county codes, and other functions of Henry County Animal Care and Control please visit

UPDATE: A number of good people have offered to provide donations to sponsor KoKo if she's given a good foster home or placement at a never-Kill shelter. If you're with a rescue group and can help her, contact me and I'll send donations your way.

Foster Cat Journal: Pissed

Things are unsettled here. My cats are literally pissed (as in pissed on the floor in four places in the past two days) that I have foster cats. I let Moonpie and Pattycake out of their small bathroom, to have a break and run around in my bedroom. The next morning, the peeing started. Luckily, it was not on the bed or the carpet-just on the hardwood or tile floor. I only stepped in ONE of the puddles (barefoot, of course).

I'm trying to make sure I spend time with my cats, but it's not as much as before. Add to that the “adults” in the house are not getting along, which creates even more reason for the cats to be off their food, not want to snuggle and generally be unhappy. Even Blitzen, who is not my little boy any more now that he weighs 8.5 lbs, has become withdrawn. He knows there are kittens in HIS old room. He sits outside the door when I'm with the kittens and some times he cries and other times he slips his paws under the door to coax the kittens to come play with him. I won't take the risk of mixing the kittens with my own cats, but that means there is less of me to go around.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. If he can't sleep on my lap, Blitz sleeps right next to me while I write.

I'm sure anyone who has kids and anyone who does rescue faces this challenge-how DO you spend enough time with everyone so that they all get what they need and YOU still have time to give yourself what YOU need? I have to face it. Corners are getting cut. Everyone makes due with less. For me, it's not an 18 year commitment for the foster cats (I hope!), so, in time they will find their homes and things will go back to normal...until I do this again.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. A kiss for Sugar Pie, (Cinnamon at front of photo)

It's not fair to quantify how much love and care a cat needs, but I seem to be doing that. I know my cats are already grown. They get clean water, fresh food, lots of toys and places to nap. The fosters need to be friendly and outgoing. I have to spend time with them so they'll become affectionate towards humans. If I don't do the time, it will hurt their future.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Cinnamon Naps. And yes, she IS getting bigger, believe it or not!

And really...can you say NO to these faces? If I could, I would probably spend ALL day with them! Each one has stolen my heart. What a special group of kittens. They all have the best litter box manners. They eat well. They like to play and are quick to purr.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Sugar Pie & Honey B.

As for the humans, we're pissed, too. We don't (want to?) spend time together, but at least we have more subtle ways of letting everyone know we're not happy. I'd hate to step in a puddle of anything Sam could dish out.

Author's Note: As I was finishing this post, Blitzen jumped into my lap. Instead of pouring him onto the floor, I gave him a super-good snuggle. He's draped over my shoulder right now, purring his little butt off.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Blitzen gives me the look that reminds me to stop what I'm doing and give him some love, so off I go.

Foster Cat Journal: The Spirits are Among Us...I Just Hope Not When I'm in the Bathroom.

Yesterday was a very strange day for me that was punctuated by the passing of the Big Maine Coon. Before I even heard about Big Boy, the theme of the day was death.

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©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. After such a sad day yesterday, it seems fitting to be reminded of some of the rescues that had happier endings. Cinnie-Minnie (Cinnamon).

I got up early and drove to Milford. I had a meeting with a client about some new projects. She owns a beauty products company that caters to the overseas market. We went to High School together and met at our Reunion a few years ago. She's a very sweet person, but I can't say I know her very well.

I arrived at her office before she did. She called a few minutes later, apologizing for being late, that I wouldn't believe where she had just been. I was worried something happened to one of her family members-a trip to the hospital? Was she in Jail? Did she just help a woman deliver her baby at a rest stop?

When she got out of her car, she had a strange look on her face. Before we could even exchange a “hello,” she said; “I saw a Psychic Medium!”

She proceeded to tell me about her Mother, who died four years ago, who she misses so deeply that she's in physical pain about it. Through a twist of fate, she learned about this woman with special abilities to talk to the dead. In hope of getting a message from her Mother, she decided to give it a chance. This poor woman was in so much pain over the loss, she felt it was her only chance to know if her Mother was still there.

Before she told me about her reading, she talked about her Mother. I got a creepy feeling as she spoke. I started to realize that maybe I needed to be in this meeting, not to talk about work, but to talk about our lives. As she spoke, I realized that her Mother and my own had many similarities. Was I going to get a message from beyond, as well? Or did I, already?

She told me that the Medium said her Mother wanted to give her proof that she was there, so she said “Tell her the name, Victor.” My friend was shocked. Victor was her very first intern who spent many hours in the office with my friend and her Mother. When my friend got married, Victor was there. The three of them had a special connection, but it's not something many people would know about-and certainly not a stranger. Then the Medium said; “Your mother is holding a tea cup and talking about the round table.” My friend and her mom always sat at their round kitchen table and had tea-that's how they discussed their problems. That's how I discussed my problem with my Mother, too, over tea.

The Medium told her about her Grandfather, who said to tell her about my hands and how you loved them. What a strange thing to bring up. Her grandfather played baseball and in the early days their mitts did not have padding in the palm. As a result, her grandfather had very smooth hands, which my friend always noticed and thought were very beautiful. She would sit with her Grandfather and draw her fingers along the palms of his hand and marvel at them.

She went on and talked about other things that all made sense, that didn't seem to be vague at all. The Medium said that our dead relatives are with us and that we do get signs from them, but we have to pay attention. That's when I realized, I had gotten a message, too.

Four years ago today, my Mother died. Four years ago tomorrow, was when I found her. I count both days as the anniversary of her passing.

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The Coupon.

Last week, I got a coupon in the mail from CVS. I still use my Mother's savings card. I don't know why, I closed all her other accounts, but left this one open. It wasn't a surprise to get something in the mail addressed to her, but there were other things...1. I've never gotten a coupon for 20% anything in the store and my Mother LOVED a good coupon., 2. The only two days the coupon is good are today and tomorrow-the anniversary days of her passing. I told my friend about it and she jumped out of her chair and exclaimed that, “Yes! Yes it was a message!”

What does it mean? She's still out there, saying hello or do I need to go to CVS and get something on sale (which is the only way she ever spent money).

Then she asked me if I wanted my Tarot cards read! My Mother used to read Tarot cards, but would never read mine. She promised she would when I was 16, but when got old enough, she refused again, saying she never wanted to see bad things in my future. She stopped reading Tarot cards after that.

So of course I said yes!

She told me that I had the sun shining upon me, which means, good fortune. Though money is tight, I will be made an offer of money in a months' time. That I'm on a spiritual journey that is very meaningful to me and I have a lot of emotional support all around me. I felt as though it was another message-telling me that by following my heart and opening this Non-Profit rescue organization, that I'm doing the right thing. I've gotten a tremendous amount of support from all of you and it makes a huge difference. She told me that a woman, a “water” sign would be very important in my life. I'm not sure who that is, but I hope I met her already.

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©2005 Robin A.F. Olson. Like Mother, like Daughter..

It's curious, this life and what follows after this life comes to an end. It's comforting to imagine that all my relatives and all the cats I've lost are somewhere out there watching me, supporting me and are just out of reach, not really gone. Of course there's only one way to find out if this is the case or as my Mother told me; “When you die, you're dead, that's it. No. I won't come back to see you or send you signs. I will be dead.” Yeah, not the best Motherly advice.

I guess in this, I hope she was wrong.

I miss you, Mother, whether you know it or not and maybe, just maybe we all really WILL be reunited again one day. Put the kettle on for tea.

Not on My Watch: All the Kings Horses...

It's tough to write through tears, but I will do my best. The big Maine Coon kitty, who was dumped at Henry County has been euthanized.

What started off as a morning filled with promise, ended with despair. Big Boy was rescued. I thought I was going to be the one to do it, but Barb, from WCR beat me to it. I was glad she could do the job. I don't have the resources she does and I didn't know where he would go IF he was ever stable enough to be transported. Barb had plans for him, but sadly, they never came to pass.

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©2010 Henry Co. Care & Control. We lost a great cat today. Rest in Peace, Big Boy.

Our Bobby picked up Big Boy from the shelter. They had him all ready to go. The staff was so happy to see him leave. Bobby told me he was as friendly as they come. A big, sweet kitty, very thin, but he didn't seem to be ailing, just thin. It gave me hope that perhaps he just needed some good food and love and the rest would improve over time.

I thought of Chester, at 21, surviving without food or water or shelter for days and having the strength to come back. I hoped the same would be true for this beautiful cat.

Bobby told me the Vet Tech thought the cat was very old. When I heard the news, my heart sank. I feared the worst and indeed my fears were not unfounded. The kitty had a snap test done, which indicated he was FIV+. That alone would not warrant a death sentence, but the cat was also, over 17 years old, had very bad teeth, an eye problem, liver failure, kidney disease and was emaciated. He was facing his last days before he was brought to the Shelter and now they realized, it would be more humane to peacefully end his life.

I have been very lucky and I know that won't always be the case. I've never had to make the choice to euthanize a foster cat. I hope I never do, but that's not realistic. Barb had to make a very tough choice, but she did what was best for the cat.

This afternoon, the big Maine Coon was held in the arms of a very loving and compassionate Vet Tech as he was administered the shots that would end his life. If nothing else, this cat knew love in his last moments. It has to be worth something-even if his life could not truly be saved.

Bobby wrote me with the news of the sweet boy's passing. He said we should honor him by rescuing MORE cats and I have to say, that sounds good to me. As soon as I can, I'm going to rescue a maine coon (or more than one) in his honor.

For now, we cry our tears and feel heartbroken that we only got to know this cat on his final day. There are so many more cats in need, who are at death's door, who we must find a way to help.

Let's all take a pledge today, to do at least ONE THING to save a cat's life TODAY. Donate $1 (or more if you can) to a cat rescue group, like Barb's, donate used linens or buy food for your local shelter, adopt or foster a cat. Do this one thing in honor of this wonderful cat, who can watch us from the Rainbow Bridge and purr with joy that his death was not without meaning.

Not on My Watch: Warning-Shocking Photos. Maine Coon Needs Our Help!

Once he was a big, lovely Maine Coon. He was neutered and declawed, but did not lose his dignity when he lost his toes. He was starved and abused to the point where he is now nearly dead. His coat is matted and barbered by a scissor. He has an old eye injury and ear injury that have now healed.

With all that he has suffered, he's still loving and friendly and wants to be held. We simply MUST DO ALL IN OUR POWER to help get the word out that this cat NEEDS A RESCUE. HE IS IN SUCH POOR BODY CONDITION THAT HE CANNOT BE ADOPTED. HE NEEDS IMMEDIATE VET CARE. HE NEEDS A RECUE GROUP TO STEP UP AND OFFER TO HELP HIM-ASAP.




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©2010 Henry County Care & Control. ID# NOT KNOWN (Declawed Maine/Coon/Ragdoll, Male)

I can't tell you how angry I am. How sick some people make me-what they do, or rather, don't do for their animal companions. There is no justification for the treatment of this cat-none. If I could get my hands on who did this to this big boy...if only...I would let them find out how nice it is to be slowed starved to death.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control. This is absolutely inhumane and shocking. No cat should ever face this horror.

Even with his rough looks, this cat is a love bug.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control.

So what are we going to do, gang? How can we help this boy? For all I know a rescue group has already stepped up to save him, if not, we need to pool our resources. I can help with fundraising for him, get him pulled and get him to a Vet. I may have a foster home for him, but not sure. What I really need is a GA Licensed rescue to step up to take him and I will still help with fundraising. It's the least I can do. It's tough not to jump in the car and drive down there and go get him right now.

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©2010 Henry County Care & Control. A shadow of his former self. With proper vetting, a good diet and some luck, this cat will be a gentle giant once again.


**Please Note; When forwarding, crossposting, or re-posting I ask that you leave this message intact exactly as it was written by me. I do not give permission to post my message, part of my message, or my photographs on Craig's List. Thank you for your help and support, and for respecting my wishes.**

Betsy Merchant~

We are very rescue friendly and are more than happy to work with any rescue group as long as the group has a valid Georgia Department of Agriculture license! Any rescue group, whether in or out of state, that takes pets from Georgia shelters, is required, by Georgia law, to have a rescue license issued by the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Animal Protection Division. Having tax exempt status is not the same as a license. For more information on obtaining a license, please call (404) 656-4914.


Henry County Animal Care and Control

527 Hampton Street

McDonough, Georgia 30253

(770) 288-7401

Our Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9 am-4:30 pm

Saturday: 9 am-1 pm

Sunday: Closed

County Observed Holidays: Closed

The shelter is located at 527 Hampton Street in McDonough. We are located south of Atlanta off I-75. Take exit 218 and head east on 20/81 toward McDonough. Our address is 527 Hwy 20/81 East.

For all other information regarding ordinances, county codes, and other functions of Henry County Animal Care and Control please visit


Please ReTweet, re-post on Facebook and tell all your friends about this cat-ESPECIALLY ONES WHO LIVE IN GEORGIA? THANK YOU! We can make a difference-TOGETHER!

Foster Cat Journal: Here's the Poop.

I had every intention of taking the kittens to the Vet, mostly so that Dr. M could compare them to tiny Cinnamon, but not do anything else with them, since they seem to be fine. Cin was the one whose eye bothered her and who is skin-and-bones skinny. Just having the Vet look at one kitten could not cost much. Of course, that was not to be.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Waiting to see Dr. M. while Dr. Larry lollygags in ITALY.

The kittens were a definite hit with everyone at the newly-almost-done-with-remodling Maple Ridge Animal Clinic. I was sad that Dr. Larry didn't decide to scrub his family trip to ITALY, just to take care of my kittens, but I'll have to get over that.

These kits are delightful. After the initial “ooo-ing” and “ahh-ing” was over, Miss Amber brought us into the exam room, put the carrier onto the floor and opened the door. One by one each kitten shot out of their confines and began to race and sniff around the room. Cin ran to the back of one of the exam tables, into a TINY space where she was able to collect a bit of fuzz and give us a good scare. If she had been timid, I doubt we would have been able to get her out of that space! A moment later she was bored with her confines and jumped out and continued to run around with the others.

©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Super Deb giving Sugar Pie a lift, while trying not to fall in love with her.

Miss Amber began to weigh the cats. Cin is up to 1 lb 2oz, which is up from being less than a pound a week ago, but still about 6 ozs less than her SISTERS..and yes it is confirmed, I have a GIRL CLUB!

Weighing the cats was a good indicator of age, which is at about 6 weeks. I began to feel some dread as each cat had their temp taken and we discussed what should be done for the kittens. That's when I realized this simple visit was going to cost some bucks. Ugh. Then, Dr. M. came into the room and started to talk about testing, more shots, more meds...ho we go...and I don't get a discounted rate, (because I haven't asked and because I'm not a Non-Profit just yet and because I'm scared to ask, so I have to feel the situation out when Dr. Larry gets back from his trip) so this is going to hurt.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Yodel and Sugar Pie enjoy running around while their sisters get weighed.

Cinnamon's temp was a bit low, but not dangerously so. The stool samples came back. One tested negative for anything and one Elisa tested positive for Giardia. Dr. M wants me to treat all the kittens for about a week and said that this may be why ALL of them feel very boney. What is weird is they don't have the runs! For such little kittens they have really nice stool. Nice size and shape. Not mushy or even that smelly. Maria and I have been giving the kittens Bene-Bac, which may be keeping their digestive tract in better condition? One thing's for certain, the cats LOVE IT, so getting them to eat it is not a problem. And yes, if you foster cats, you need to know about the beauty of a nice stool. Many kittens have lots of intestinal parasites. Add to that, transitioning from their mama's milk over to cat food and odds are you'll be seeing mooshy poop-and with kittens that can be a dangerous thing if it doesn't resolve.

The other thing I learned was that because I wasn't sure how old the kittens were when they were pulled out of Henry County, I opted to let the vet in GA decide if they should be started on FVRCP shots. Well, that was a waste of time because they were too young. Now we have to start the series all over again. So each kitten got a shot, which really hurt poor Cin. and which didn't bother Sugar Pie a bit. The shots will be repeated again in 4 weeks and 4 weeks after that. They also should be re-snap tested for FIV and Feline Leukemia because they were too young to have an accurate result, as well. Great! So I just wasted a bunch of money on Vet stuff in GA. Live and learn. I hope learn...oy veh.

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©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Sugar and Honey B. completely dwarfed by the chair.

Cinnamon's eye was definitely irritated. Was it due to a trauma or the beginning of the dreaded URI beginning to take hold? Whatever it is, she's being treated with antibiotic eye drops to see if we can get her feeling better.

We talked about diet and I'm going to add Nutri-cal to their food for awhile, along with my own idea of adding some plain chicken baby food into their grain free canned. They're also getting some KMR since they're still a bit on the young side. Basically, I give them whatever I've got.

You can say the same thing about the Vet bill...I gave them everything I've got, too. I have sooo got to find a Vet who will work with me and who I like and and and...but I first need to get my papers filed so I'm a proper Non-Profit! I've retained a great Lawyer and am looking forward getting this done, though let's not talk about money, because legal fees and filing fees make the Vet bill look quite tame.

Deep breath. It's going to be fine. It will work out. You won't lose your house and be forced to live in a cardboard box. You won't. Maybe a small shed? Like that guy on “Confessions of an Animal Hoarder?” I have to stop watching that show...more on that next...

Foster Cat Journal: Prettier than a Picture

Sugar Pie.R.Feminella_sm.jpg
©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. “Sugar Pie.”

I'm not going to adopt her. I'm NOT. NOT! NOT! NOT! NOT!

...but I WANT to!

Foster Cat Journal: Just Plain Gorgeous Photos

My nephew, Ryan came over yesterday with his camera (which I am drooling over since it's a newer version of what I shoot with and has a separate flash to die for) and he got some fabulous shots of the kittens.

They're all doing well, eating and playing. I found out they should still be getting some KMR, so I ran out and got a new container of it last night. Three of them enjoyed it, but of course, the tiniest kitten, Cin, didn't eat much. She prefers her grain-free canned food-which I've watered down a bit to help her digest it.

In my next post I'll write about our visit to the Vet this morning and what the stool sample results told us. Ooh, exciting! For now, just enjoy the photos!


©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Cinnamon.

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©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Honey B.

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©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Sugar Pie.

©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Yodel.

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©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Ryan with Moonpie and Pattycake.

By the way, Ryan was smitten with Moonpie (and Pattycake, too). He got Moonie to lay belly up on his lap, then rubbed his belly. Moonpie just enjoyed himself! Patty wanted lap time, too, but Ryan's lap isn't big enough!

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©2010 Ryan C. Feminella. Moonpie (left) and Pattycake (right).

There's one more photo I want to share from yesterday, but it's so good I need to post it separately.

The Best Seat in the House is On Me, So to Speak.

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If anyone wants to know why my back hurts and I can't get my work done, here's one of my many excuses. (see above)

Yes, this is me, in my office and behind me is BLITZEN, where he's decided he would rather sit even though there are SIX cat beds and a big windowsill in my TINY OFFICE for him to enjoy! No. He needs to perch on the back of my chair and lean on me.


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